Blog for the third mission

There are several commonly accepted ranking systems for the First and Second Missions, which provide indicators to measure excellence in Higher Education Institutions around the world. Rankings improve quality assurance by allowing the institutions to understand their own performance, develop best practices, and provide effective and efficient value to society. They also provide quality indicators to governments, society and industry. However, there are no commonly agreed indicators or methodologies to assess quality in Third Mission activities.

This project will develop such indicators, promoting excellence in Third Mission activities, and encouraging Higher Education Institutions to share best practices across Europe.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Pre-study on the role of higher education institutions as providers of continuous professional learning and adult education Directorate-General for Education and Culture

Last recomendation in the paper: Enhancing data availability for the future!
It is also noted that currently only some US States (e.g. Florida) employment and educational data is linked at the individual level and longitudinally, so that individual trajectories can be mapped while in education and outside education, to measure the employment and learning outcomes of adult education provision. The feasibility of establishing such an approach in Europe would benefit the research potential in this area.

Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Funding and the Social Dimension 2011