Blog for the third mission

There are several commonly accepted ranking systems for the First and Second Missions, which provide indicators to measure excellence in Higher Education Institutions around the world. Rankings improve quality assurance by allowing the institutions to understand their own performance, develop best practices, and provide effective and efficient value to society. They also provide quality indicators to governments, society and industry. However, there are no commonly agreed indicators or methodologies to assess quality in Third Mission activities.

This project will develop such indicators, promoting excellence in Third Mission activities, and encouraging Higher Education Institutions to share best practices across Europe.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Universities and Regional Innovation: From Policy to Practice Building Capacity for Collaborative Partnerships

The positive impact of effective regional innovation on economic growth, employment and social stability is recognised everywhere.  The ability to build capacity for collaborative partnerships and to exercise strong leadership in order to bring together a variety of regional stakeholders behind a common regional strategy is "the" critical step for regional success.    

This one-day conference will focus on the challenges involved in building and sustaining successful cross-sectoral partnerships between academic, business and public agencies to support regional innovation. The conference will draw on lessons learned from the EU-Drivers for a Regional Innovation Platform project.

The conference format will be highly interactive, with expert international keynote speakers, panelists and senior representatives from the European Commission.

With practical interactive sessions it will provide participants the opportunity to try out "on the ground" the lessons learnt from the EU-Drivers project; each participant will receive a copy of the EU-Drivers toolkit with good practices to support effective transformational regional innovation.

In our pre-conference reception, networking breakfast and poster sessions, the conference will provide ample opportunities for direct exchange between regional, university and business leaders as well as access to EU policy-makers.

For more information and online registration, please check here.

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